
AKA: Focus Face

Location: Metro Atlanta, Georgia, United States

I am a crazy busy Mom. I have started this blog because it looks FUN. I named it jankinaround. Let me explain....when I was in college I picked up this term. It means"just having fun, being silly,etc.." ( example: I'm here just jankin around, playing with my new blog! ) I have a fun husband of 19 years and 2 great kids. I have been on a music ministry staff for 14 years directing the youth choir! About me: I get focused very easily, If I had a motto it would be "Work hard,play hard." My life verse is Micah 6:8 ( ...And what does the Lord require of you?To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.) I like to have fun with my girlfriends ( okay - when I get focused they call it FOCUS FACE -- thankfully they love me anyway...) , I am sometimes reclusive when I get too busy, I am ALWAYS for the "underdog!" I LOVE Mexican Food.I have a new business with my very cool and fun partner -- my husband! We own a tutoring franchise and run it together. It is called CLUB Z! We are excited about this new adventure!! I am blessed to be a child of God -- that is the most important fact about me!

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Never say "Never!"

Yes. I have said it - we have all said it. I always said " There are 3 things I will never do!"
1. Drive a van
2. Homeschool ( ok - I was uninformed at the time...)
3. Can't put this one down in print - but I have not done this one!!!

Well...I have done the first two - the third - I don't think I'll venture into a discussion of that.

I am going back to #2 -John and I have decided to homeschool our son this year. We home schooled for 4th and 5th grades and he did great!! He really is excited, as he knew our other choice was a school that is quite a distance away. I went to a homeschool fair yesterday - can you say OVERWHELMING?? I was able to accomplish what I set out to do. I feel great about our choice, but I realize that I am going to have to be super organized. ( :

I hope that I can "hook up" with some other HS homeschool Moms. I think it is going to be a great year, and I am excited now that the decision has been made and the books are purchased. Now that I have a plan, I can go with it.

It is a blessing to have children. I am thankful to so many other Moms who have been great roll models to me -- starting with my own Mom, Mema ( my grandmother), and all my friends who amaze me with the dedication to their families! Thanks, girls!!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Does anyone know what happend to summer? I feel like I just got in the summer midset and -- it's already over. Do you all remember when summer was actually 3 months long? A distant memory...........

Sunday, July 23, 2006

There's no place like home!

I almost pulled a " Dorothy" today. I was standing in the middle of the Pitttsburgh airport-- after numerous "bumps" -- I honestly felt like putting on my ruby slippers and clicking my heels 3 times and saying..(c'mon you know how it goes...) THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME, THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME..... suddenly out of nowhere a nice customer service guy comes along. ( it was a vision of Tommy i think)
He told me to follow the yellow brick road to Cincinnati and I would find my way home. It worked - never mind I got the WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST for a gate agent there, I got home none the less.

Being able to travel really is a blessing. It just makes for some pretty funny stories.

One day I'll tell the story of getting lost in a NYC subway station with a good buddy and winding up in Coney Island. ( never mind we just wanted to go to Bloomingdales... go figure....)

Saturday, July 22, 2006

I Love Lucy!

Well, I am in Pittsburgh with Lucy. She is a fun travel buddy. Pittsburgh is very pretty, very hilly - lots of bridges and we two "southern girls" stick out pretty bad. Ok - we asked for grits - big mistake-- they were NASTY. We had a tough time getting here....we sat in the airport for ohhhh about 8 hours. I discovered that having your laptop makes it ok. I could check flights and play around . Tomorrow we hope to get home so that I do not have to "farm" the kids out for an extra day. It has been a quick trip, but one I'm glad I made. It is good to stay sharp on the latest in learning styles and how to best teach kids the WAY they learn. With all I do with students - it is always to my benefit to say current on the latest "stuff." I think "ohhhhh, that is why that kid does that! " Good stuff.

It's a blessing to have a Mom that is cool to "hang" with. She has been there all the way to support me and my family.
Thanks, Lucy!!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

19 years and happy as a lark!

How do people know that larks are indeed happy? Where do all these sayings come from? Anyone know?
In any event - John and I have been married 19 years and I would do it all over again. My best friend who understands - and yes - puts up with me. He prays for me and I know that he prays for our children. How blessed I am to have him in my life. He reminds me to slow down and enjoy the funny side of things.
Happy Anniversary JPC!! Hang with me another 19+ and let's see where God leads us. All I can say is - wherever he leads you -- I'll be there!!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Don't file your fingernails in church

Well - it seems that filing your nails is the most recent of the acceptable things to do at church. Yep. I was on the second row at church and I kept hearing this NOISE. I very carefully looked around, as the gentle SAWING noise kept on and on. I kept looking at Dianne like " You don't hear that???" I finally spotted the nail filer - she was at the end of my row. I had never seen her before - so perhaps she does not know that personal grooming is best done before the service or after - just not during. She had not one but TWO files out. I'm not even sure how you do two at once. On and on it went - my toes curled - not because I was upset at her - but because it was like fingernails on a chalk board or chinese water torture -- on and on and on. The longer she sawed - the longer the message got -- then I got "tickled" -- never a good thing if you are on the second row.
Why is it so hard NOT to laugh when you are in church??? I do okay unless my shoulders start shaking and everyone behind me thinks that either a) I am laughing in church during a supurb message or b) I have had a breakdown or c) I am under serious conviction. So,I got my composure and I settled in to the gentle sawing noise with the preaching in the backgroud! I'm glad there was not a test at the end!!
The funniest things happen at church -- I'd love to hear some from my blogging buddies - what is your recent funny church moment??

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Quiet little corner of the world

Today was a glorious day. I did not HAVE to go anywhere - I did go out for a while, but only because I chose to. John got me a new leather chair and ottoman ( birthday) for me to create a little reading/sitting area in our bedroom. The ottoman did not match - so it had to be swapped out..so off I go to swap it. ( I hate lines and returning stuff - so this was a real exercise in patience for me...I think I did ok)
We finally got it home and set up and I just sat and read for over an hour. Just me. All by myself. Wow. I am reading a book on Italy, as John and I plan to go there next year for our 20th anniversary. So now I have my own little quiet corner of the world to read, listen and preview music for church, or just sit and think. I think that I am a better wife and mother for getting a little solitude. I have not always required solitude - now I do. Don't get me wrong - I still love a rip snorting good time, mind you! Don't leave me off the guest list for parties -- I am still a fun girl! I just need rest in between! So now, I will go back to my corner and resume my reading.

Friday, July 14, 2006

I was feeling left out in the blogging world so here I go! I have been inspired ! It is a great way to keep up with old budddies and new ones,too! I won't have long posts, mostly because I type sooooo slowly! See you in blogville!!