Never say "Never!"
1. Drive a van
2. Homeschool ( ok - I was uninformed at the time...)
3. Can't put this one down in print - but I have not done this one!!!
Well...I have done the first two - the third - I don't think I'll venture into a discussion of that.
I am going back to #2 -John and I have decided to homeschool our son this year. We home schooled for 4th and 5th grades and he did great!! He really is excited, as he knew our other choice was a school that is quite a distance away. I went to a homeschool fair yesterday - can you say OVERWHELMING?? I was able to accomplish what I set out to do. I feel great about our choice, but I realize that I am going to have to be super organized. ( :
I hope that I can "hook up" with some other HS homeschool Moms. I think it is going to be a great year, and I am excited now that the decision has been made and the books are purchased. Now that I have a plan, I can go with it.
It is a blessing to have children. I am thankful to so many other Moms who have been great roll models to me -- starting with my own Mom, Mema ( my grandmother), and all my friends who amaze me with the dedication to their families! Thanks, girls!!