911 hero of my own
You know how you wonder what you would take if your house burned.....well - tonight I found out. Nothing. You get your kids and your pets and you get out. Try as I may - I had a BAD CHOICE. For all I knew the attic was on fire - so I had to make sure they kids had obeyed me and gone outside. Had I been sure at that point - I would have kept on with the dog ( not a good decision) but since all I could think of was the kids, I went out to check on them. It was then that I realized I had left my dog. Then I really could not catch my breath - scared to death. As the trucks came down the street, I was wondering how bad this was going to get......Was I about to watch my house really flame up? Since the fire was near the attic - I really was scared.
Fire trucks came and ambulance. Then the neighbors. Then my parents. Abby crying.Robby still being calm. Me, in my not so hot robe trying to be calm.....They held us at bay in the neighbors yard and kept me informed as to what was going on. I was talking to John on the phone - he was calm, too. I think I see a pattern here. Females - not calm. Males - calm.
The fireman determined that the fixture had overheated and started a burn - but the tranformer did it's job and tripped the 'whatchamacallit' and so it contained. I have burn marks on the ceiling. They gave the all clear after a little while and so we came inside. Not sure if I will sleep - but at least I have a roof over my head.
Fireman said I have to call an electrician tomorrow. This was not really on my "TO DO " list for Tuesday.
We are all ok!!
Robby "ROCKS!"
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Sorry..that was me that removed my comment. I had misspelled a word and didn't like that in there! All I've got to say is good thing you were home! What a night...glad all is well!
Oh my...how scary!! I'm glad you are alright.
What a day for you, my friend! Glad that God protected you and your entire family....and John in the sky!
Wow - you should have called Fireman Richard - he would have loved to put his siren in his car and headed on over. He would have had flashbacks to his volunteer firefighter days. . . Glad you guys are ok- wow! Since we have a house full of women and a barky dog - we would have given the neighbors quite a show had it been at the Lawless ranch! Ok - why are Jennifer and Michelle up before the sun to respond to your blog. Ok - Jen's hubby is home so they are making the most of the time - but so early. . Wow! Beth
Never mind - the clock on your blog is wrong - it showed I sent one at 10:53 a.m. and it was actually sent at 1:48 p.m. Oh well! I was worried about them being up so dad gum early! Beth
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