First Day of High School

Here is my girl! We are so proud of her and wish her the best as she begins High School! Thanks to all our friends who have invested in her! Here is my prayer for her " that she would love the Lord her God, listnen to HIS voice and hold fast to him." Deut. 30:20
Being the parents of two great kids - such a joy! The above verse stays on my desk so I can pray it for both of my children. I have really read up a lot on praying blessings/speaking a word of blessing over my family.
Robby thinks that he is "all that" because he has a new laptop for school!! He starts in 2 weeks - so he is still sleeping late and loving it!!
Absolutely beautiful! There is a great book I read many years ago, it's called "The Blessing" and I'm not sure right now who wrote it, but I will try to find it. Great, great book! Great prayer for all our kids. Now, tell John to get the biggest baseball bat he can find to beat those fellas off your beautiful daughter!!!
Great rehersal tonight! Of course you always do great!
Looking forward to Frontline - Let me know if I can do anything before hand.
WOW. You and John have done a great job. She is truley a blessing and a pleasure to be around. You are rasing a Goldy young woman!
It is hard to believe that this is the grown-up version of that same little girl who licked her fingers at Arby’s and told me she didn’t like me so many years ago! Where has the time gone? I know we have had our share of storms Julie, more than our share at times, but thanks for weathering them with me. I am grateful. You are a blessing and a true friend.
She's such a pretty girl.....Good luck on the first day. I'll have a first-time middle schooler on Monday......Yikes!
Oh, and Robbie told me he appreciated the invite to the Braves game Monday, but that he couldn't go......he was going out of town. He made me smile.
She is such a pretty girl with such a sweet spirit. That is our prayer for all of our children. You and John should be proud!
FYI...the book I was refering to was written by Gary Smalley.
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