
AKA: Focus Face

Location: Metro Atlanta, Georgia, United States

I am a crazy busy Mom. I have started this blog because it looks FUN. I named it jankinaround. Let me explain....when I was in college I picked up this term. It means"just having fun, being silly,etc.." ( example: I'm here just jankin around, playing with my new blog! ) I have a fun husband of 19 years and 2 great kids. I have been on a music ministry staff for 14 years directing the youth choir! About me: I get focused very easily, If I had a motto it would be "Work hard,play hard." My life verse is Micah 6:8 ( ...And what does the Lord require of you?To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.) I like to have fun with my girlfriends ( okay - when I get focused they call it FOCUS FACE -- thankfully they love me anyway...) , I am sometimes reclusive when I get too busy, I am ALWAYS for the "underdog!" I LOVE Mexican Food.I have a new business with my very cool and fun partner -- my husband! We own a tutoring franchise and run it together. It is called CLUB Z! We are excited about this new adventure!! I am blessed to be a child of God -- that is the most important fact about me!

Monday, September 11, 2006

911 hero of my own

Robby is my hero. He very calmly called me upstairs earlier and told me he saw sparks over his pool table. When I arrived, I saw small embers at the ceiling and the light fixture was aglow and I smelled an electrical burning smell. Not good. My first thought - 911! I told the kids to go outside and I went downstairs to call 911. I all of a sudden could not breathe very well. After the call - the dog HID under the bed and I could not get her out. She was scared and hiding. Here I am - half dressed - trying to get my DOG out and grabbing my robe.....I yelled and pleaded, I tried being calm. Nothing.

You know how you wonder what you would take if your house burned.....well - tonight I found out. Nothing. You get your kids and your pets and you get out. Try as I may - I had a BAD CHOICE. For all I knew the attic was on fire - so I had to make sure they kids had obeyed me and gone outside. Had I been sure at that point - I would have kept on with the dog ( not a good decision) but since all I could think of was the kids, I went out to check on them. It was then that I realized I had left my dog. Then I really could not catch my breath - scared to death. As the trucks came down the street, I was wondering how bad this was going to get......Was I about to watch my house really flame up? Since the fire was near the attic - I really was scared.

Fire trucks came and ambulance. Then the neighbors. Then my parents. Abby crying.Robby still being calm. Me, in my not so hot robe trying to be calm.....They held us at bay in the neighbors yard and kept me informed as to what was going on. I was talking to John on the phone - he was calm, too. I think I see a pattern here. Females - not calm. Males - calm.

The fireman determined that the fixture had overheated and started a burn - but the tranformer did it's job and tripped the 'whatchamacallit' and so it contained. I have burn marks on the ceiling. They gave the all clear after a little while and so we came inside. Not sure if I will sleep - but at least I have a roof over my head.

Fireman said I have to call an electrician tomorrow. This was not really on my "TO DO " list for Tuesday.

We are all ok!!
Robby "ROCKS!"

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

It's a "SONNY" day in Georgia!!

Yes, this is my eldest child with Georgia's Governor, Sonny Perdue at a local event for folks who are helping in the re-election campaign. I heard Governor Perdue speak last year and was really impressed with his testimony. I decided then that I wanted to get involved with his re-election!! Robby had an opportunity to talk GA football with him! How COOL!
I have plenty of SONNY signs to share - let me know if you want one!!!