
AKA: Focus Face

Location: Metro Atlanta, Georgia, United States

I am a crazy busy Mom. I have started this blog because it looks FUN. I named it jankinaround. Let me explain....when I was in college I picked up this term. It means"just having fun, being silly,etc.." ( example: I'm here just jankin around, playing with my new blog! ) I have a fun husband of 19 years and 2 great kids. I have been on a music ministry staff for 14 years directing the youth choir! About me: I get focused very easily, If I had a motto it would be "Work hard,play hard." My life verse is Micah 6:8 ( ...And what does the Lord require of you?To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.) I like to have fun with my girlfriends ( okay - when I get focused they call it FOCUS FACE -- thankfully they love me anyway...) , I am sometimes reclusive when I get too busy, I am ALWAYS for the "underdog!" I LOVE Mexican Food.I have a new business with my very cool and fun partner -- my husband! We own a tutoring franchise and run it together. It is called CLUB Z! We are excited about this new adventure!! I am blessed to be a child of God -- that is the most important fact about me!

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Happy 40th!!

Happy, Happy Birthday , Tracey!

It is not so bad! You look great, have lots to be proud of - and hey, turning 40 beats the alternative!! ( :

Celebrate today - eat some cake and know that your blogging buddies are celbrating with you!!!

Love and miss you!


Monday, August 28, 2006

"Slow and steady wins the race!"

Yes - I have a favorite quote. It is from Aesop's book of fables. I have loved this little collection since I was a kid. You know the story of the tortoise and the hare-- great little object lesson. The hare just brags and brags about how good and fast he is -- so against the turtle -- he has no real competition.....or so he thinks. He thinks that he is slicker fellow, a more talented racer and that the victory will surely be his. Sorry hare, you have it all wrong. It is the slow and steady progress made by just being faithful to a task one step at a time that will bring you a well deserved victory. No amount of bragging or thinking you deserve to win will give you the victory. You just lost to a turtle who just plugged away a little at the time. Sorry, dude!

So - I want to hear YOUR favorite quote!!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Little Miss Busy

Well, I have not fallen off the face of the earth, but I have been pretty busy. I will get "back on the horse" when I can. My schedule is a little crazy right now - but since this is so much fun -- I will try to keep up!!

Blessings on each of you!!


Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Are you hungry???

How great is it to live in a land where we get to vote on our leaders. I had an informal history lesson with a friend the other day who was listing the communist ( "closed") countries. Wow - there are more than I thought!

Anyone who knows me well knows my heart on being aware of and praying for the persecuted church.
Please take time to check out www.persecution.com. Make yourself aware of what our brothers and sisters all over the world endure for HIS names sake. Learn how we can minister to them. If you want to host your own "underground service", let me know. We did it on my last youth choir mission trip - it was amazing. God was there...hard to put into words......

I am convinced that a lot of the "little" things that people worry about would fade away if we really knew how well we really have it. We can worship openly without fear that we will be killed right then and there. Who cares if the song being sung is a little too slow for your ( our) taste? Who cares if the sound system is a bit too "hot?" Who cares if you get all praise choruses for one week, or all hymns the next???

When we get deperate and hungry -- he will fill us. He always does.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

First Day of High School

Here is my girl! We are so proud of her and wish her the best as she begins High School! Thanks to all our friends who have invested in her! Here is my prayer for her " that she would love the Lord her God, listnen to HIS voice and hold fast to him." Deut. 30:20

Being the parents of two great kids - such a joy! The above verse stays on my desk so I can pray it for both of my children. I have really read up a lot on praying blessings/speaking a word of blessing over my family.

Robby thinks that he is "all that" because he has a new laptop for school!! He starts in 2 weeks - so he is still sleeping late and loving it!!